The cost of Workplace Fatalities
The Cost of Workplace Fatalities. A total of 147 workers were killed at work in Great Britain in 2018/19. Although this represents an increase of 6 fatalities from 2017/18, the average over the last 5 years is 142 per year. That is 142 people each year, that go to work and do not come home again. Statistics from HSE show that the total cost of workplace fatalities in 2016 [...]
Tesla withheld workplace injury data from government
My success is no accident. According to a new report the electric car manufacturer Tesla, Inc. was accused of hiding hundreds of workplace injury reports from Cal/OSHA, the California state division of the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). According to a memorandum that the agency sent in December, the injuries were listed in company logs but were omitted from annual summary data that the company self-reported to [...]